Peter Wallin's Website Video Encoder is a helper application that combines FFMPEG and StrobeMediaPlayback to encode and display videos on your internet or intranet website.
The *.flv player and encoded video will exist on your website.
See this link for media playback object demo:
StrobeMediaPlayback -- be sure to play some of the sample video in full-screen mode
This is an early version 0.9.8 -- I'll add additional features as time allows. Please let me know if you are using it, along with any comments and suggestions.
1: [
Download] Requires .Net 4.0 Framework (you may already have this installed and can try skipping this for now)
2. [
Download] pjwWebsiteVideoEncoder
2.5. (Optional) This product is currently not digitally signed. After downloading, if you are using Windows 7 or higher, and you downloaded the software from www.remote-control.net, right-click on the ZIP file on your computer, select "Properties" and click the [Unblock] button.
3: [
Google: ffmpeg windows binary] Requires FFMPEG Windows binary. Download to your computer and copy FFMPEG.exe to the same place that pjwWebsiteVideoEncoder was installed (typically: C:\Program Files (x86)\PW2 Computer Services\pjwWebsiteVideoEncoder)
4. [
Link] Download StrobeMediaPlayback (optional: the required files can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\PW2 Computer Services\pjwWebsiteVideoEncoder\StrobeMediaPlayback
5. Upload the StrobeMediaPlayback *.swf files to a directory on your website such as /flash
6. Run pjwWebsiteVideoEncoder and point it to a video. Click [Go] to encode to *.flv format.
7. Set your "Media Files Location" and then click [Generate HTML]
8. You will get a new folder next to your original video file containing the new files.
9. Upload *.jpg and *.flv to your /media directory.
10. Rename the *.txt file to index.html and upload that to any new directory on your web server.
11. After testing, cut out the code from the *.txt file and paste it into the code of your website template. Note: testing cannot occur from a local directory, you will have to test with a webserver.